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storage buffer中文是什么意思

用"storage buffer"造句"storage buffer"怎么读"storage buffer" in a sentence


  • 存储缓冲区
  • 存储器缓冲器
  • 存储器缓冲区
  • 贮存缓冲区


  • Discussion on adopting moval level storage buffer transport in mechanized drivage roadway
  • Asymptotic property of the solution of the system which consists of a reliable machine , an unreliable machine and a storage buffer with infinite many workpieces has been studied
  • The first system uses fifo as the storage buffer , image can be displayed at a rate up to 8 . 2 frames per second ; on the second system , instead of the fifo , a solution based on two rams is applied
    第一套系统对ez - usb2131q外接一个fifo寄存器来实现,图像的传输速率为8 2桢/秒;第二套系统则利用了两个外接的ram替代了fifo寄存器,实现了图像8 8桢/秒的传输速率。
用"storage buffer"造句  
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